King's Business - 1948-06

Be a CharterSubscriber to the PropheticDigest A Herald of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Undenominational • Premillennial International Enjoy reading the PROPHETIC DI­ GEST every month. It is dedicated to the stirring up of the Lord’s people to the blessed hope and the second com­ ing of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to deepening knowledge of the prophetic Word. We are living in critical and per­ ilous times. THE PROPHETIC DIGEST aims to strengthen Christian fellowship; to pro­ mote Christian progress; to enlarge Christian service. ILLUMINATING! INTERESTING! INSTRUCTIVE! INSPIRING! Factual; nothing fanciful, fanatical nor farcical. Edited by prophetic teach­ ers known and loved by premillennial Christians over the world. Editors: James F. Spink, Russell Taylor Smith Associate Editors: F. A. Tatford, Tom Westwood Contributing Editors: Tom Olson and others These features will appeal to preach­ ers, teachers and others: PROPHETIC FLASHES; WHAT’S THE NEWS; GOSPEL PERISCOPE; THE SHEP­ HERD’S BAG; THINGS TO COME; PROPHETIC TRUTH FOR CHRIS­ TIAN YOUTH, etc. Prophetic and de­ votional articles by well-known teachers of the past and present. BECOME A CHARTER SUBSCRIBER AND HELP SPREAD THE TRUTH THAT “JESUS IS COMING AGAIN.” FORTY PAGES PACKED WITH FOOD FOR THE SOUL. FIRST ISS­ UE: JULY-1948. Published monthly— subscription rates U.S.A. 1 year $1.50; 2 years $2.50; 5 years $5.00. Ten copies per year to one address $13.00. Twenty copies per year to one address $25.00. Canada $1.60 per year. Foreign $1.75.. Prophetic Digest Publishing Co. 17 CHERRY STREET COLLINGDALE, PA. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find t r .. . . subscriptions to the PROPHETIC DIGEST to be sent to the following:: 1 year subscription $1.50; 2 years subscription $2.50; 5 years subscription $5.00. N AM E ....................................................... . ADDRESS ...................................................................... (State) If you require a sample copy, send 10c. NOTE FIRST ISSUE: JULY, 1948 (City) (Zone)

1 "Is it N o t h in g to Y o u ? " D o y o u kn ow . . . • That 6,000,000 Jews have died in 15 years j without Christ? i k • That Palestine is about to flame with war? 1 Jsja • lhat 1U,UUU,UUU Jews know not whither to chSmm‘Board

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