caiah to tell the kings the same thing. God’s loyal servant replied: “ As the Lord liveth, what the Lord saith unto me, that will I speak.” Micaiah told the king that he should not go to battle, for God would not give him the victory. Ahab’s (the king’s) anger was so great that he had men take Micaiah back to his city and put him in prison and order that he be punished there until victory was won. Micaiah said that if the king won the battle, it would be a sign that he had not spoken God’s message. Ahab was killed in the battle, even as God’s servant had prophesied. What courage it took for Micaiah to tell God’s truth even though he knew that he might be punished severely for so doing! Can you say as a Christian, one whom others expect to be always truthful, “What the Lord saith unto me, that will I speak” ? Truthfulness often requires courage that only your Lord can supply. His Word says, “ Speak ye every man the truth.” Can He count upon you to obey His command and always to be His faithful messenger? Every believer has a divine call to serv ice for he is a member of the body of Christ with his own function to perform. I Have Filled Him God does not call his servants to work for Him without giving them the power of accomplishment of the task. Bezaleel received divine endowment, even the fill ing of the Holy Spirit. He is the first man mentioned in the Bible as being “ filled with the spirit of God.” Today every believer is commanded to “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18), Without this filling, work for God will be ineffective. Filling of the Spirit means emptying of self. It means service for the glory of God alone. It gives dynamic to activity in the realm of the church. More than this, the man who is filled with the Spirit will work wisely and efficiently. See how it turned out in the case of Bezaleel. I Have Given God is generous; He is always on the giving hand. If a human hand is needed, He furnishes that hand. In the case of Bezaleel, a particular man was needed. Thus divine support was provided. Aho- liab came from the tribe of Dan, one of the least influential and honorable in Israel. But God is no respecter of per sons and ofttimes He calls to the support of His work those who appear most un likely to succeed. This fact should be an encouragement to us all. It is the bent of the heart toward Him that counts rather than a man’s position in this world. I Have Put Wisdom in the Heart True wisdom is the ability to judge soundly and to deal sagaciously with facts. Wisdom suggests discernment, dis-
Helps for the Children Brave Enough to Tell the Truth (1 Kings 22:1-40) Memory Verse: “ As the Lord liveth, what the Lord saith unto me, that will I speak” (1 Kings 22:14). The king of Israel wanted his soldiers to take from an enemy some land that really belonged to. Israel. He and the king of Judah talked about going up to gether against the enemy. One of the kings suggested that they inquire o f the Lord before going to battle. The king of Israel gathered four hundred prophets together. When he asked them if he should go up against the enemy, they re plied, “ Go up; for the Lord shall deliver it [the city] into the hand of the king.” The other king was not satisfied with their reply. He asked if there were not another prophet of the Lord whom they might ask. The king of Israel told him about Micaiah whom he hated. A mes senger was sent to call Micaiah. The messenger told him that the four hun dred prophets has said good things con cerning the kings’ plans. He asked Mi Pointers on the Lesson When God has a work to be done, He calls and equips the right ones to do it for Him. The lesson before us illustrates that truth. Sometimes those whom He calls may seem least likely to be able to fulfill the task. But God is able to ac complish wonders when He finds in dividuals who are willing to be used. The Exodus passage selected for this week’s stucly may be understood readily when one notes the things the Lord says He has done in relation to the workman who was to undertake the actual work of building the tabernacle. Again and again the Lord says “ I have,” and these two words are followed by a mention of the definite things necessary for the suc cess of God’s servant Bezaleel and for any of His servants living any time. I Have Called Bezaleel received a divine call for his tremendously important work. In Egypt he may well have received some knowl edge in the mechanical arts. And now as the tabernacle was about to be built, God saw fit to put to holy use his skill and knowledge. Of course, it was possible for God to give Bezaleel his ability at the very time He called him, but God does not usually work that way. In this instance, there was a need to be fulfilled. God found His man and called upon him to respond. Thus God calls men today. There is a work to be done, and He puts it into the hearts of those who do it to respond and the work is accomplished. Ofttimes a present need and the ability to respond to that need are all the call that God deems necessary for service on the part of those who have His interests at heart. J U N E , 1948
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July 11, 1948 A GOOD WORKMAN Exodus 31:1-11; 2 Chron. 1:5
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