King's Business - 1948-06

GOSPEL TRACTS Lithographed in four colors

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Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

lllustrated by Gladys Bowman

ger of not being dependable, and he wrote, “ Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58).

June 6. 1948 F eather , F lower and F lint

Objects: A feather, a flower, a piece of flint and an electric fan. (If neces­ sary, a piece of .cotton can be substituted for the feather, a cork for the flower, a piece of concrete or rock for the flint, and a hand fan for the electric.) Lesson: You will notice that I have placed on the table in front of this fan, three different things—a feather, a flower and a piece of flint. Guess what will happen when I start the fan. “The feather will move first.” We will turn on the fan and see if you are right. Yes, the feather moves first. As I speed

June 13, 1948 A W inning W ord

Objects: Cut the letters “N,” “ O” and “W,” from white paper. (They should be 3 inches high. Paste the “ N” near the top of a piece of cardboard and the “ O” near the middle. Make the “W” from folded paper, with the fold at the bottom. Paste the two sides together. Cut a small nail in two and put a piece in each of the folds, to give the “W” weight. Near the bottom of the card­ board, fasten the “W,” by sticking a pin through the center point and through the cardboard. This will allow it to swing when the cardboard is turned over.)

up the fan, the flower is the next to move. No matter how fast the fan goes, the flint does not move. As I look at these objects, I am re­ minded of three kinds of Christians. I am sorry to say that some are like the feather. They are moved by every wind of Satan. There are others, who, like the flower, do not move as quickly as the feather, but if the winds of adversity continue, they, too, are moved. I am glad to say that there are others, who,' like the piece of flint, remain unmoved regardless of the winds of temptation. The flint reminds us of the story of the three Hebrew children, as told in the Book of Daniel. They were asked to wor­ ship the golden image which had been set up. Perhaps some of their friends did worship it, but they said, “ Be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Dan. 3:18). ' Daniel, too, was unmoveable, as recorded in Daniel 6:10: “ Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.” Paul realized that there was a dan-

Lesson: The little word “NOW” which you see on the cardboard, is in reality not small—it has been and can be a very large and important word. The Book of Esther gives us an illus­ tration of how important the word “NOW” can be. A wicked man by the name of Haman had tricked the king into signing a de­ cree that all the Jews should be killed on a certain day. Esther, the queen, was a Jewess, and included among those who were to be killed. She had an uncle by the name of Mordecai. He told her she should do something immedi-

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558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 13, Calif. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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