King's Business - 1948-06

ately to help deliver her people. He sent the following message to her, “Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether» holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13, 14). Esther was made to realize that something had to be done “NOW.” She sent word to her uncle asking him that he and all the other Jews fast three days. She promised that she would go before the king, which was contrary to their law, even though she might be killed for doing so, in order that she might help her people. We will turn this cardboard over and see what happens—instead of the word “NOW” we have the word “WON.” (The “W” swings). Because Esther acted “ NOW” a great deliverance was “WON” for her people, the Jews. We are reminded of another “ NOW” in the Bible, “ Behold, NOW is the ac­ cepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). Objects: A piece of paper 8)4x11 inches and a piece 8^4x5 inches. Fold the large piece around the small one and paste the ends together, making a sleeve 8%x5 inches. Cut a slit in the front of the sleeve 7 y2 inches long and y2 inch wide, beginning y2 inch from the top. Below the slit print, “ FOR A PRINCE.” With the 5" piece inside the sleeve, print the word “ PREPARE” on it, down the y2 inch slit. Remove this piece of paper and using the letters in the word “PREPARE,” complete the words, “JOSEPH, MARY, WISE MEN, SHEPHERDS, CAESAR, WOR L D , BETHLEHEM.” Lesson: On this piece of paper we see the words, “ PREPARE FOR A PRINCE,” reminding us of Isaiah 9:6, “ For unto us a child is bom, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Coun­ sellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” This Scripture, of course, refers to the com­ ing of the Lord Jesus Christ. There was much preparation for His coming. Many prophets foretold the event. We will let this piece of paper tell us J U N E , 1 9 4 8 JOSEPH MARY W ISE MEN SHEPHERDS CAESAR] WORLD BETHLEHEM June 20. 1948 P reparing for a P rince

True-to-the-Bible Series A scriptural spiritual interpretation of the International Uniform Sunday-school les­ sons with emphasis on the deeper life and world evangelism. Quarterlies for Papers for • Teachers • Seniors • Beginners • Juniors and Shut-Ins • Intermediates • Primaries Intermediates Adults • Juniors » c__• „ • Young People * Sem0rS Send 10c for complete set of samples. The Famous Manual of Visual Teaching For Y ou r Flannetboard Beautifully Colored On Flannelblot Stock Thirteen lessons, each with application ; thirteen sets o f cut-outs; full instructions. Issued quarterly at a moderate price— $2.00. PUPIL AC T IV IT Y HANDWORK A crayon project for busy hands each week—com panion piece to the M AN U A L. 12 cents a set. CHR IST IAN PUBL ICAT IONS , Inc. 1507 No. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa.

• There’s a high cost to low living.

What a tragic difference indifference makes.


For the word of God. and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

©raining in j&vabzr&tyxp * * . In these days o f widespread denial o f the W ord of God and its claims, F a it h S e m in a r y has set as its goal the training o f leaders for the cause of Christ who shall (1 ) believe the Bible; (2 ) exalt the Lord Jesus Christ; (3) know thoroughly the theology, the Ian* guages and related disciplines needed to meet the modern attacks o f the evil one, .and (4 ) rely only upon the power of God for this warfare — an enabling granted solely in response to prevailing prayer. So F aith T heological S eminary places constant emphasis upon evan* gelism, missionary interest, the separated life, prayer, and dependence upon God. These interests pervade the classroom, the prayer meeting, the chapel services, and the practical Christian work which students carry on under Faculty direc* tion.

"For the faith — by faith” 1—without material endowment, the Seminary loo^s to God for support. Please address Roland K. A rmes, Treasurer, P. O. Box 4299 'K. Philadelphia, Pa.

The beautiful main seminary building is of enduring stone con­ struction. The comfortable lounge makes possible a moment of

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