always been that His truth should have the central place. Consequently, when homes are founded without God, when His truth is ignored, there is no ele ment to hold them together. How shall one have a happy home? Well, here is the result of centuries of experience. First of all, let one acknowl edge God’s place.' Let it be clearly un derstood that the home is an institution of God’s founding, and that both par ents and children owe an obligation to Him as well as to one another. Then let there be daily prayer and fellow ship. Let prayer be vocal, specific and participated in by all members of the family. Finally, let there be a satura tion with the rich truths of the Word of God. Study the precepts which teach the principles of happiness. Let the Bible be audibly read. Memorize precious portions together. Meditate upon tender truths. To such a home there will be added the rich blessing of an Almighty God. These spiritual exercises will bring about an unbreakable cohesion, and from such a home will emerge strong, well- principled, noble children, who will look back upon their youth with thanksgiv ing to God for the Christian home train ing that was theirs. Blood and Thunder H ERE are some typical quotations from the so-called comic books which are printed in the United States at the alarming rate of 500,000,000 each year. “ The villain threatens to flog the half- naked heroine . . . The beautiful girl is beaten to death on a sacrificial altar . . . The men are stabbed and have their arms, legs and heads cut off . . . The bride is kidnapped . . . Fists that smash against faces settle all problems.” The average American city child reads ten to a dozen comic books a month. If there is only one scene of violence to a page, this still gives him a diet of 300 scenes of beating, shooting, strangling, torture and blood per month. The child who was six years old in 1938 has ob served by now from comic books alone a minimum of 18,000 pictorial beatings, shootings, stranglings, blood-lettings and torturings. It is high time that the educators of our land became alarmed about this ava lanche of blood and thunder stories and pictures. A recent survey definitely blamed the increase of violence in juve nile delinquency upon the comparative increase in comic books and magazines. One psychiatrist says that comic books not only inspire evil but suggest a form for the evil to take. There is no doubt, on the other hand, that the Bible is the greatest children’s story book in the world. Centuries of telling it has not detracted from its in terest one bit. Today children are just as entranced with stories of David, Dan iel and Samuel, as children have been all through all the ages. Were the youth of our United States given the Bible in stead of this blood and thunder litera ture, an entirely different result could be recorded. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
calls for a large number of new state- operated universities. Missionary boards throughout the world are suggesting that their candidates come to them with a completed higher education. What is to be the place of the Bible Institute in the years which lie ahead? One thing is certain: its training is unique. In Christian colleges, emphasis is being placed on Christian ethics and a fairly general knowledge of the Scrip tures. But nowhere in the educational world of today can one find a curricu lum which is preponderantly Biblical except in the Bible Institute. Rarely is there an institution of learning where one of the major emphases is world-wide missions. Nor do we find duplicated in any other field the happy combination of instruction in personal evangelism and the opportunities for firsthand experi ence in putting this training into prac tice. The place of the Bible Institute is greater today than ever before, for the world’s need is greater. Christian young people will find it much to their advan tage to spend a year or two in intensive study of the imperishable Word of God before going on to other schools. Marriage Insurance L ATEST statistics reveal a slight in crease in the number of marriages which are holding together. This, no doubt, is due to the fact that the war hysteria, with its train of whirlwind courtships a n d h a s t y marriages, is gradually subsiding. However, the number of marriages which fail today stands at a terrifying high percentage. Statisticians point out that more than one out of three marriages go on the rocks, and in some sections of our coun try the proportion is one out of two. Beneath these cold figures lies a world of misery, heartache, broken homes and bewildered children. Yet there is insurance for a success ful marriage and a happy home. It was God who in the beginning instituted the home. From His lips came the com mand that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. Upon this established unit of society God added His blessing. Therefore is it not true that the reason for broken homes today is the utter disregard of God’s place in the home? God’s plan has
Two-Score Years I T WAS back in the year 1908 that two believers were led of God to lay the 'foundations of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. These men were Lyman Stewart and T. C. Horton. This Bible Institute and others came into being largely as a protest against the barren ness of liberalism in seminaries, and the paucity of actual Bible study in the curricula of the theological schools of the day. The program of the Bible Institute has always called for major emphasis along three lines. First, the outline of study includes Bible subjects primarily. In some courses, as much as 90 per cent of the student’s time is spent in direct contact with the Scriptures. The sec ond major emphasis is upon the spirit ual welfare of the student. Far from having a monastic approach to life, the Bible student associates daily with people, either in secular employment or in practical Christian work assign ments, seeing their need and getting his. experience in personal work firsthand. Because of this, he is driven to his knees time and time again for God’s wisdom to meet the problems and per plexities of his life and others. A third emphasis in the Bible Institute program is upon world-wide missions. Time is reserved for returning missionary speakers, and the student through their eyes almost sees firsthand the stark need of the heathen world. Looking back over two-score years of Bible Institute history, there is much cause for us to praise God and take courage. The Bible Institute trained worker has stood the test of time. He has found that because of such train ing, his life has been under-girded with a foundation of Bible truths and per sonal spiritual experience which could not be shaken. Many graduates who have gone on into higher institutions of learning are unanimous in thanking God for the years spent in Institute class rooms in direct and detailed study of the living Word of God. Today’s world places an increasing emphasis on education. A recent recom mendation by a national fact-finding commission suggests that the college facilities of the United States be in creased 50 per cent. The program for education in the State of California Page Four
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