Head - St Christophers School


In the Foundation Stage, St Christopher’s follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) and supports their children to become independent and collaborative learners by providing a range of activities and experiences. Children in the EYFS make excellent progress from their starting points and leave the Reception year having fulfilled at least age-related expectations with many exceeding these due to the effective teaching they receive. Moving into Key Stage 1 and 2, the school employs experienced and highly motivated, qualified teachers as well as a complement of excellent subject specialist teachers. With an average class size of 14, progress is easily tracked through termly tests which generate standardised scores and age-related grades. The teaching in English and Maths is heavily influenced by the Independent Schools Examining Board curriculum with learning condensed via regular exam practice. The curriculum is supported by an exceptional ICT provision. All children in the school are taught using iPads and Apple interactive TVs as well as standard computers. Lessons begin from Reception where the children learn iPad control, mouse control and basic key board skills. As they progress through the school, they learn how to use a variety of apps and software packages to further develop their skills.

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