

The OPG supports the Cancer Society

CORNWALL | A new Flood Risk Reduction Rebate Program is being established by the City of Cornwall to provide assistance to Cornwall homeowners in flooding-af- fected areas. The details of the new program were pre- sented by staff of the Infrastructure and Municipal Works Department during a pub- lic information session on March 26 at the Benson Centre. The framework for the new program has been approved by Cornwall City Council. It’s expected that applications will begin to be accepted in April or May once the nec- essary municipal bylaw is passed at an up- coming City Council meeting. Homeowners who did not experience flooding in 2010 or 2013 can still apply for the rebate program. However, priority will be given to those that experienced flooding or are in flooding clusters. Subject to the number and value of rebate requests received, other non-flood- ed residents may be considered as well. The City has currently budgeted up to $1.5 million over three years for the rebate program in order to assist as many home- owners as possible. Additional details about the program will be shared through the City website and through local media as they become available. The new rebate program is part of the Cornwall Blueprint, a comprehensive plan to deal with issues such as basement flooding mitigation and environmental, water and infrastructure awareness. It serves to address two key pil- lars of the City of Cornwall’s Strategic Plan: Quality of Life and Efficient Services. Rebate for flood victims FRANCIS RACINE Un génie des mathématiques

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The Ontario Power Generation supports the Canadian Cancer Society, Wheels of Hope transportation program, which provided transportation to more than 450 patients in 2013, as they journeyed to cancer treatment appointments in Ottawa, Kingston and Montreal. Pictured are Leo Marion, Canadian Cancer Society Volun- teer Driver and Brent Morton, OPG-Robert Saunders Generating Station, Cornwall.

Good oral health plays an important role in children’s overall health. That’s why Healthy Smiles Ontario provides regular dental services at no cost to eligible children 17 and under who do not have access to any form of dental coverage. Healthy Smiles Ontario provides various dental services, such as: • check-ups • cleaning • fillings • x-rays • scaling To find out if your children qualify for Healthy Smiles Ontario, call the Eastern Ontario Health Unit at 613-933-1375 or at 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line. Une bonne santé buccodentaire joue un rôle important dans la santé générale des enfants. C’est pour cela que le programme Beaux sourires Ontario offre des soins dentaires réguliers sans frais aux enfants admissibles de 17 ans et moins qui n’ont pas accès à des soins dentaires. Beaux sourires Ontario offre de nombreux services dentaires, dont: • l’examen • le nettoyage • les obturations • les rayons X • le détartrage Pour savoir si vos enfants sont admissibles au programme Beaux sourires Ontario, appelez le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario au 613-933-1375 ou au 1 800 267-7120 et demandez la ligne Appel-santé.

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Tristan Brunet, un élève de 11e année à La Citadelle, a obtenu d’excellents résultats au concours canadien des mathématiques (Fermat) de l’université de Waterloo, tenu en février dernier. Tristan a obtenu 103 points. Il a obtenu une médaille ainsi qu’un certificat de distinction compte tenu qu’il s’est classé parmi les premiers 25% de tous les participants au Canada.

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