The Word of Life Experience: Fall 2024

Here’s just a snapshot of what God is doing all around the world!


In response to severe flooding in Rio Grande do Sul, Word of Life has been at the forefront of relief efforts. Their 35 years of ministry in the region allowed them to quickly become a hub for volunteers. Over the past eight weeks, they mobilized 250+ volunteers, served 30 churches in 15 cities, distributed 20 tons of supplies, and cleaned nearly 70 spaces, while providing spiritual support. By the grace of God, they launched Day Camps, impacting 577 youth affected by the flooding, and seeing 53 salvation decisions.

US Camps

difficult experiences he had been through. Trey encouraged him that because of Jesus and his new relationship with Him, he is free from sin and its burden. After the next rally, Jay ran to find Trey, saying that after their conversation, he felt a weight lifted and had hope for the future because of Jesus. This moment reminded Trey daily that despite the challenges and problems, the gospel is being shared, and God is changing lives.

The Word of Life team in the United States is praising God for a fruitful season of summer camp in New York and Florida. Below is one of many testimonies from campers whose lives were forever changed: A counselor at Word of Life Coast, Trey Brandon, described that when he shared the gospel with his campers, it wasn't always well received. One of his campers, Jay, shared his story and the


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