Introducing Our Brand New Learn the Word Homeschool Curriculum! In addition to our Learn the Word Academic Program, a rigorous and in-depth Bible study involving video lectures from real college professors, reading assignments, quizzes, and course materials, we now have a free Homeschool Curriculum! Although our Homeschool Curriculum provides a structured biblical education that works well in homeschool environments, it is not just for homeschool students – anyone can use this resource! It includes comprehensive study plans, interactive learning materials, and assignments suitable for various age groups. This curriculum aims to deliver a thorough biblical education at home. As a huge bonus, completion of this course earns a $1,500 scholarship to Word of Life Bible Institute.
Successful completion
of this course earns a $1,500 scholarship to Word of Life Bible Institute.
Access the Learn the Word Master Classes and Homeschool Curriculum by scanning the QR code!
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