The Word of Life Experience: Fall 2024

Open-Air Evangelism Today Today, Open-Air Evangelism (OAE) continues to play a vital role at the Bible Institute. Even after 40 years, Sam Frey still leads OAE in New York, while Del and Maryann Benner have faithfully led the program in Florida for the past 31 years. Every year, all freshman students at both the New York and Florida Bible Institutes participate in OAE as a key part of their ministry training. Word of Life remains deeply committed to OAE because we believe in the Great Commission to share the good news of the gospel. Although we may not fully see the impact of our efforts this side of heaven, stories like Pete's remind us of the countless lives touched through this ministry – stories that will one day be fully revealed.

Sam Frey

Pete Ogilvie Then

Pete Ogilvie Now

WOLBI Students doing OAE


The Word of Life Experience

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