2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

STAGE 3: SELECTION Interviews are a key part of the hiring process. Companies use interviews to verify qualifications and to evaluate how you will fit into the organization. If you get a call for an interview, that means you passed one hurdle and are being considered for a position. It will be up to you to convince a company that you are the best qualified person for the job. “Best qualified” can be determined by many factors, including skills, experience, education, motivation, and dedication to continuous learning and high quality work. Companies want value for their money because every employee is a major expense in terms of salary, benefits and training costs. You must convince an employer you are worth the investment.


Finding job openings can seem fairly easy. Head to a huge job search website like Indeed.com, and it looks as though half the companies in the United States have openings. When you submit an application or resume you will often find yourself competing against hundreds of other applicants who are also using popular job search websites. While many people find success with these sites, not all companies use them, so varying your tactics will often provide the best results.

Let’s look at the most common ways to find out about job openings and their pluses and minuses for job seekers.


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