2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


PUBLICLY POSTED JOBS Job openings can be found on job search websites, company websites, social media, newspapers, postings on bulletin boards at grocery stores and libraries and signs in store windows. The most commonly used of these options are job search websites. The advantage of using a large job search website is the easy access you will have to multiple opportunities A part of every job seeker’s day will certainly involve browsing through publicly posted positions. Here are some tips on how to effectively use that time. »  Pick your sources for publicly posted jobs, including specific job search websites, social media or newspapers. Make sure to review new listings as soon as possible after they’re posted. Some job search websites allow you to sort by date posted. »  Many job search websites aggregate (collect) postings from multiple sources, so find a site that yields good results for you. »  Some employers prefer to post positions to industry or occupation specific websites, such as sites dedicated to openings in tech, education or government positions. Research the availability of those resources within your line of work. »  Apply to new openings immediately as some postings will close after a certain number of applications have been submitted. »  You may find the same job posted continuously. This can be for many different reasons, such as high turnover or an expanding business. Contact the employer directly if you have questions concerning the position. »  Take caution when responding to job postings which require you to apply to an anonymous email address or P.O. Box. Do not apply to any jobs that don’t appear to be from legitimate sources and never give out confidential information like Social Security or credit card numbers. »  Look at all the jobs listed for employers you are interested in, not just those that fit your position objective. If they have an opening in one field, they may also have opportunities in your area of expertise that aren’t publicly posted. »  Follow up your application with a phone call to the employer. Not all employers will be open to taking calls but making at least one attempt can show that you are genuinely interested in the position.

111 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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