2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


If your networking results in referrals to potential job contacts, begin contacting them in a timely manner. You need to say who referred you when you call or email these contacts to formally introduce yourself and ask for an opportunity to discuss potential opportunities. It’s not an easy task and not everyone will call back or agree to speak with you. Still, these are people who may have the responsibility for hiring or know the appropriate individual in their companies for you to contact, so it is worth the effort. Using social media websites will help you network and search for jobs, as well as build an online personal brand. Refer to Chapter 7 for guidance using social media for job hunting. Finally, we suggest cold-calling, or calling without a referral or other connection. This is identifying companies where you would like to work and cold-calling managers or employees to ask them for informational interviews or ideas for finding a job. People you contact may not return your call or tell you they have little to offer, but don’t be discouraged. The right call could connect you with someone who provides a helpful informational interview or information about a position that’s a good fit for you. Before attempting a call, it is a good idea to research the company first, so you aren’t asking questions they have already answered on their website.

Come prepared with a list of questions to help keep the TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL NETWORKING CONVERSATIONS

conversation focused. • Relax. Networking

conversations have specific goals, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun. • Be curious and take an interest in the person you are networking with first. • Ask for help after having developed a connection. Speak of your career goals and ask if they have any advice, resources or tips to help you. • Work hard to remember names. When the person introduces herself, repeat her name back to her, as in: “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maria. My name is Joe.”

• Ask for contact

information. You’ll need this to follow up. • Keep your promises. If you offered to help someone else in a job search, always make good on your promises. • Always follow up when

you make a connection with a handwritten or emailed thank you note.

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