2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


It’s a good idea to look at our “Networking Log” at the end of this chapter or develop your own template. Write down the names of the people you contacted, their phone numbers and any leads they offered. If someone doesn’t return your inquiry after a couple of calls, move on. Don’t be a pest because that reputation could come back to haunt you. If you are fortunate enough to get an informational interview, make sure to write an email and/or personal handwritten thank you note to the people who took the time to speak to you. Do not overstay your welcome and focus on getting the information you require and thank them for their time. Always ask for more contacts, to help expand your connections. Networking is not begging. The idea is not to ask for jobs but to ask for information that may lead to a job. Usually your networking contacts will not be potential hiring decision makers. They will be people who know about potential jobs or individuals in an industry who can help. If you discover a contact is a person who makes hiring decisions for current job openings that fit your skills, change gears and market yourself for an open position.


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