2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


During the Job Fair »  Go alone, or if you go with others, visit employers separately. »  Be professional. Use your self-marketing introduction, demonstrating interest and enthusiasm. »  Dress as you would for a job interview. »  Ask relevant questions and provide clear and concise responses to employer questions, showing the knowledge you acquired about the company through your research. »  Collect company information, request a business card, take notes and ask about follow-up procedures. »  Before leaving an employer’s table or virtual room, again state your interest in the company, offer a resume and thank the employer representative for their time. Many companies won’t be able collect resumes during the job fair, so make sure you know the process for applying. After the Job Fair »  If you do apply for a position with one of the employers whose representative you met at a job fair, consider following up with a thank you to that representative.

117 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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