2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Many job seekers make the mistake of submitting an application or resume and waiting for the employer to contact them. If the company fails to respond, job seekers will start the process over again with a different employer.

Instead of making those passive attempts at getting a job, try a more active approach by taking initiative and following up with potential employers.

Following up with employers requires preparation, confidence and persistence. Many people are uncomfortable with this tactic and afraid of offending employers by being too aggressive, yet going straight to an employer works. Showing a strong desire to work for a company will likely yield success faster than simply applying for positions in online ads and waiting for the employer to take the next step. Basic Principles of Direct Employer Contact Networking and research should help you obtain names of companies and direct contacts within them. This section will help you learn how to make the most of the networking connections you contact during your job search. When using this strategy, you may find that some companies are not as open to direct contact as others. Respect that, but in making the attempt you are creating the possibility of having a conversation and at the very least, you have shown your interest. Whenever possible, make the next step your responsibility, not the employer’s. For example, if an employer says, “We’ll let you know once we’ve made our decision,” you could respond with, “Would it be all right if I call you two weeks from today?” If they say, “Yes,” then you’ve agreed on your follow-up, and the responsibility is yours.


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