2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Practice your skills on a call with a spouse or friend. Record yourself to hear how you sound. If you need to record a voicemail, leave your name and phone number (twice, slowly) and the reason for the call. Be upbeat, simple, clear and concise. Avoid being monotone. If you are offered the option to review your message, do so just to check it. Make sure you set up your personal outgoing voicemail message and that it is polite and professional. Delete old voicemail messages to make sure your mailbox doesn’t become full. In preparation for making a call, make sure you have copy of the job posting, your research notes on the company, your resume, and any other pertinent materials organized and nearby. Make sure you have a pen and paper or can otherwise take notes during the call. When you make the call, listen carefully to how your contact responds. If you sense you’ve reached them at a bad time, politely ask if they would like you to call back. Also listen for “buy-in” signals. For example, if they ask questions about qualifications or your years of experience, then they’re showing an interest in you.

Stand up during the call. This will improve your posture and expand your lungs, making you sound more alert. Look for ways to authentically compliment the person or the company. • Sell your strengths, skills and accomplishments. • Handle objections such as “We’re looking for someone with more experience or education” or “Sorry, we’re not hiring right now” with a concise response that sells your qualifications. • Be respectful of your contact’s time and keep the call short and to the point. Make sure to thank them and identify a time when you will call to follow up, if appropriate. If the contact indicates there may be an opportunity for you with the company, set a time when you’ll call back before the call ends. • Keep a follow-up calendar and maintain a record of your contacts. • It’s better to set a time when you will call back, but if your contact says they would prefer to call you, make sure you are available to take their call at the agreed upon time.


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