2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


EMAILING TIPS Email is the easiest way to inquire about a job opening and the easiest inquiry for employers to avoid. Managers are usually overwhelmed with internal and external emails, so trying to capture their attention in their in-box can be difficult. A more creative strategy combines both emailing and calling managers with your information. This way you can find out what their preferred communication method is. The approach is to email the prospect a short message of just a paragraph saying you’re interested in a posted job or you’re wondering if any positions are currently open. Stress that you will call within a day or two. The most effective emails tend to be brief. If you are emailing about a posted position, make the email message the cover letter and attach your resume. When attaching your resume, most employers prefer Word or PDF formats (refer to chapter 4 for more details) . Make sure to call your contact to follow up within a day or two after you sent your email. If you have to leave a message, remind them of the day and time you sent the email and spell your name and leave your phone number twice.

123 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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