2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


STAFFING, OUTPLACEMENT AND CONTRACT SERVICES Personnel staffing services and recruiters can be excellent job search resources. Some may specialize in working with specific types of industries (tech, teaching, manufacturing, etc.) while others provide general staffing services for many different types of employers. Each firm is unique and may provide a combination of blended services. The type of services offered may be influenced by whom they represent: you or the employer. Generally, their focus is on matching your skills with the job openings of employers. Depending on your circumstances and needs, these outsourcing companies may benefit you in securing employment. They fall into several categories. Staffing or Recruiting Services Employers use staffing services to assist them in filling their job openings. Staffing agencies recruit, perform extensive interviewing, check references and submit only the most qualified applicants to the employer. In most cases, you are an employee of the staffing agency when you work with one of the companies they match you with. Your check comes from the staffing agency and they get paid from the company for which you are working. Outplacement or Career Transition Services When companies downsize, some firms provide laid-off employees with outplacement assistance such as job search workshops and materials, computer labs, job leads, resume design, job clubs and employment counseling. If your employer notifies you that you will be laid off, ask your employer if these services will be provided.

125 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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