2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

Contract Services Contract employment typically involves working for a temporary agency that contracts with an employer who specifies the job requirements and period of the work assignment. You work for the temporary or contract firm during this time and they pay you. By performing well you may get a full-time offer after your contract ends. Some positions, however, fill only short-term or seasonal needs, such as during the holiday rush or in summer. By working in contract jobs you can build skills and meet financial needs while continuing to look for permanent work. It’s easier to get a job when you have a job. Being currently employed may give you a bargaining tool with potential new employers to negotiate flexible hours, work from home options, or other potential benefits. Contract employment can also be useful for those who need to gain work experience, develop skills, get training or increase networking contacts. Contract work also allows you to check out an employer or an occupation before making a commitment to a career path or a particular company.


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