2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Staffing, Outplacement and Contract Services: Things to Consider These services provide a variety of services and options for the job seeker, but keep in mind the following considerations: »  Research the staffing, outplacement and contract service agency’s reputation through the Better Business Bureau or by reading online reviews from others who have used them in the past. Determine if any fees will be charged for services before accepting or signing anything. »  These agencies need to be in tune with the job market in order to be successful and can provide valuable information that can enhance your job search. Treat them as you’d treat a potential employer because they can expose you to many opportunities that are otherwise not available. »  If you’re working with an agency, don’t assume you can sit back and wait for jobs. Continue your search. »  The staffing agency is your employer when you’re on assignment for them. Ask about conditions of employment before you accept the assignment. »  Tell the agency that you need to know the pay rate, benefits, estimated length of assignment, the chance of becoming an employee of the company and what’s expected of you. Also, let them know if you have any transportation limitations, the hours and days you’re available, your overtime availability, and salary needs. »  If you’re receiving unemployment insurance benefits, you should be aware that short-term wages may affect eligibility and benefit amounts.

127 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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