2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


GETTING ORGANIZED Managing your schedule and establishing measurable goals are important parts to a successful job search. For example, commit a block of time every day to identifying job opportunities you would like to apply for. The toughest thing about staying motivated while unemployed can be the lack of accountability to anyone but yourself. That’s why joining a job club, networking group or reporting progress to a friend, spouse or partner makes sense. It’s relatively easy to get sidetracked during a job search by spending valuable hours surfing the internet. Filling an eight-hour workday without a job can be remarkably easy. Of course, all work and no play can be counterproductive. If you have reached out to 20 employers during a week and had a few networking events and interviews, offer yourself a reward that involves something you enjoy doing. You will then be able to get back to your job search schedule with renewed energy. Keeping Records During times of low unemployment or if you are applying for a position for which many employers are hiring, you may get hired by the first employer you contact. Still, if you want to explore your options, you’ll want to at least keep track of the pros and cons of all your potential employment opportunities before you make a selection.

13 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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