2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

LinkedIn LinkedIn is a social networking site specifically for connecting with businesses and individuals. It could be key to your social networking strategy because it helps you establish connections with coworkers and managers from past jobs and your network of friends and acquaintances. Launched in 2003, LinkedIn now counts more than 700 million members as part of its network, with representation in more than 200 countries. Job seekers can establish a professional presence online by creating a profile, gaining recommendations and answering questions. There is also a search jobs function that allows groups and businesses to post openings and job seekers to view recommendations and save job postings of interest. The most important item to remember about LinkedIn is that creating a profile is only the first step. You will also need to seek out people to connect with and follow companies you are interested in. Eventually, you may want to start creating your own content as well, but keep in mind that everything you post to the site will reflect on you professionally to your entire network. Use LinkedIn to remind your networking contacts of your availability for employment and to share your insights on industry events or information on business issues. One of the best tools within LinkedIn is the ability to easily see the common connections you may share with businesses you are researching. You can use this information to ask for warm introductions from your current contacts to individuals you want to connect to. Joining various groups within LinkedIn can help you gain access to more focused content and industry-specific networking opportunities.


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