2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


problem-solving experience and give examples of how that could benefit their organization. If the examples you are relating are over 15 years old, consider not providing a timeframe when they occurred. Prior to the interview, you should have updated your skills if necessary. As noted above, if the job requires computer skills, then understanding the Microsoft Office suite, email and any other relevant programs is very important. There are many free online resources that you can utilize to refresh your skills, such as edu.gcfglobal. org/en . In addition, community education classes through local school districts may be an option in your area. If a computer application that you have not used comes up during the conversation, express your willingness and eagerness to learn and mention similar programs you do have experience with. Have one or two stories or examples in mind about how you were able to quickly master a new skill or task to solve an employer’s problem. Describing how you’ve done something is better than telling how you would do something.

147 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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