2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


It is illegal for the interviewer to ask your age, unless you are interviewing for certain jobs such as a commercial airline pilot or correctional officer. If you are asked about your age, the AARP suggests you respond by saying, “How do you see my age affecting my ability to do the job?” Do so in a polite, conservational, non-confrontational tone. Many times an employer is just being conversational, and not intending to ask illegal questions, so don’t assume intent, but be prepared if questions about your age come up. Finally, if you get the interview and you’re speaking to a contemporary around your age, your comfort level will grow. However, make sure you maintain a professional demeanor. When you’ve been in business for decades and you interview with a colleague, getting too chummy could backfire. Keep in mind that even when you bring years of experience to a position, you will still require training. Be confident in your skills but realize that every new position is a learning experience that offers opportunities for personal development.


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