2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


If you’re deficient in an area, you must be ready to convince the employer you can and will learn the skill. You could also show how your other skills will make up for any areas of shortcoming. Another tactic is to show how non-work activities such as volunteering or being a member of a group or committee make up for any potential areas of missing employment experience. If no relatable or transferrable skills exist, have a plan of action to overcome the deficiency. Being aware of the training resources available will allow you to make a case for how you could obtain the needed skills. ASSESS YOUR ATTITUDE Employers are looking for people with a positive work attitude. Often employers emphasize attitude over skills, training and experience. It is certainly something that can separate equally qualified candidates in an interview. Look for ways to show your enthusiasm for the job, willingness to learn, spirit of cooperation and respect for the employer. Review your skills for reinforcement of your qualifications. Rehearse how you’ll present yourself.

Be positive, truthful and realistic.

155 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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