2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Although there are an unlimited number of ways these questions can be worded, they generally fall into one of these categories: conflict resolution, problem-solving, adaptability and teamwork. When asked such a question, determine which of your work experiences demonstrates a successful outcome for that type of situation. First, describe what happened (situation). Next explain what needed to be accomplished (task). Once you have set the stage, you then describe what you did (action). Finally, talk about the benefits of what you did (result). It will be important that the stories you tell result in a positive outcome and illustrate a strength or skillset you displayed within the situation. As you tell your STAR stories, employers will listen for evidence of the skills required for the job. By now you’ve done plenty of research about the position, and the STAR method allows you to show employers you possess the skills they need.

159 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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