2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


LUNCHEON OR COFFEE INTERVIEW This type of interview assesses how well you can handle yourself in a social situation. Employer representatives may include the hiring manager, a human resource department member and one or more peer employees. Choose your meal selection carefully. Spilling on your shirt isn’t likely to make a favorable impression. Select a small portion, as you will do more talking than the interviewers. Messy meals such as pasta dishes or large sandwiches should be avoided and sticking with water for your beverage will prevent the issue of staining. The key is to avoid as many distractions as possible so you can pay attention to the conversation. If the interview is conducted at a coffee shop, the setting probably has more to do with the hiring manager than anything else. He or she wants to escape the office and speak to you in a casual, informal atmosphere that will likely make for an honest discussion of your strengths and weaknesses. Try not to consider if others are listening in and use the time to emphasize your commitment to the industry and your desire to work for the company. STRESS INTERVIEW A stress interview re-creates some challenging situations you might run into on the job. The interviewer asks you a number of tough questions that are designed to make you somewhat uncomfortable. For example, they might present a job-related scenario and ask you to explain how you would respond. Maintain your composure and take your time in responding to the questions. Don’t take it personally, this is just a test of whether you can handle on-the-job stress and respond professionally to a difficult situation.

161 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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