2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

VIDEO CONFERENCE INTERVIEW Many employers use video conferences to conduct meetings or carry out other aspects of their business such as interviewing. This allows staff from other locations to participate and opens the pool of candidates to a larger geographic area. If you are new to video conferencing, work with your local CareerForce location to set up a mock interview. This will help you to troubleshoot any technical issues that may prevent you from making a good impression with employers during an actual interview. Being comfortable with the technology will allow you to focus on what is most important: marketing yourself!


Get everything organized early. If requested, collect letters of recommendation, your reference list, copies of licenses, driving record (for those jobs that require it) and Social Security or Permanent Resident Card. Bring a notebook, pen, business cards and extra copies of your resume. If needed, bring your portfolio, and if you have an online portfolio, be prepared to email the URL link to the interviewer(s). Organize your materials in a folder or professional-looking bag to maintain a professional appearance. Laptop cases work just as well as the traditional briefcase.


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