2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search



This is an opportunity to show your enthusiasm and dedication to your career. Share your continued excitement to be a nurse, a teacher, a truck driver or whatever path you are pursuing. Relate a story about how you got into this field and what you enjoy most about the work you have done.

CAN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR BEST AND WORST BOSSES? This could be a trap. Don’t present a negative picture of past employers. If given a choice, always talk about your best boss. If pressed to describe the worst boss, pick a work-related characteristic that can be stated in a positive way, possibly by using a softening technique. For example, “My most challenging supervisor was vague when issuing assignments. I learned to ask questions so that I knew what was expected.” WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR WEAKNESS? Responding “I have none” will sound dishonest and maybe even conceited. Turn the question into a positive by stating how you deal with the weakness and are taking active steps to improve. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t use a major requirement of the job as your example, but it should be a work- related skill. Avoid giving a non-answer by stating something was previously a weakness but is now a strength. This could be viewed by employers as not answering the question that they asked.

167 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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