2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

CAN YOU GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF HOW YOU SOLVED A PROBLEM IN THE PAST? It’s important to be able to show the process you go through when presented with a problem. Remember the STAR responses you prepared. State the problem and the steps you followed to reach the solution. If it’s hard to come up with a problem, switch to a project and how you completed it. WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS? This is the time to describe the skills you’ve identified that will most effectively market you as a potential employee. Offer a confident and measured response, describing skill sets and how they have led to your success in past jobs and will benefit another employer in the future. HOW DO OTHERS DESCRIBE YOU? Another way for the employer to ask this would be, “How would you fit into this work group?” If you aren’t comfortable with this question or don’t know how to answer it, call some friends or people you’ve worked with and ask them to describe you.


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