2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


If you want to contact a company representative directly as part of your research, try to make a connection through someone you already know when contacting that representative: “Jim Schmidt told me to give you a call. I’m interested in working at 3M and want to learn more about the company’s culture”. Better yet, ask your contact to reach out to a company representative on your behalf and make an introduction so that person is expecting your call. When sending an email or leaving a voicemail, be clear, precise and tell the individual you will not take up more than a few minutes of their time. Ask for their availability so you can set a phone call or virtual meeting that works with their schedule. Keep in mind not everyone will tell the truth about their employer to a total stranger, even one recommended by a friend. At the very least, if you are able to talk with someone, you will be able to introduce yourself and give a little background about why you are interested in learning about their company. Data Specific Resources If you know the specific occupation or line of work that interests you, you can find Minnesota-specific information on CareerForceMN.com ( www. careerforcemn.com/explore/careers ) or visit the DEED Data for Job Seekers page ( www.mn.gov/deed/data/lmi-job-seekers ) For nationwide information visit www.careeronestop.org . If you are looking for information about companies that interest you, visit their websites, do an internet search on news or other information about companies of interest, or consult the Business Source Premiere database on the Minitex Library Information Network ( elibrarymn.org/business ) for more information.

17 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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