2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


CAN YOU GIVE AN EXAMPLE WHERE YOU’VE SHOWN LEADERSHIP AND INITIATIVE? Even if you haven’t had the title of lead worker, supervisor, or manager, give examples of when you recognized a job needed to be done and you did it. Feel free to use situations outside of paid work experience if needed. GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF WHEN YOU WERE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE TO A TEAM PROJECT? Any job that requires communicating with others usually requires some amount of teamwork. Give an example of how you contributed to a team environment and what the results were or how you overcame obstacles to accomplish a stated goal. If you took a leadership role, explain how you contributed in that capacity. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO DEVELOP OR CHANGE IN THE LAST FEW YEARS? This shows a willingness to be challenged and to improve. Employers are looking for people who are willing to continue learning. Talk about formal and informal educational opportunities you’ve pursued. Using examples of online learning courses that you have taken advantage of would also be relevant. The longer you have been unemployed, the more important this becomes. DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR ME? By asking questions, you show interest in the job and are taking a more active role in the interview process. Later in this chapter we list some questions you may want to ask at your interview.


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