2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

WHY WERE YOU LET GO? The first task in answering this question is to define what happened in your own mind. Were you fired or laid off? Was the position eliminated? Did the company close your location? For many job seekers, what felt like a termination at the time was actually documented as something else by their past employer. Ask your former employer for a separation notice, or call and ask what they would say when asked. This will help you to frame your answer in the appropriate terms. Try using your own facts in a few of the following examples to develop a response to this difficult question. »  When I was interviewed for the position, my experience appeared to be a great fit for the job; however, once I started working there, it became obvious that they needed someone with a different skill set than I currently possess, and they decided to go in a different direction and ended up letting me go. »  A new manager came in and restructured the leadership within the company, I was one of seven supervisors that was let go. »  My company started outsourcing some of their positions last year. I outlasted several downsizings but not the last one. »  I’ve always had excellent attendance throughout my career, unfortunately I had to deal with an extended illness within my family last year that caused me to miss more time that my employer could accommodate. That situation is no longer an issue and I’m excited to bring my 15 years of experience in sales to this new opportunity within your company.


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