2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


The reason employers ask this question is to determine if the reason you were let go will affect them. Being able to explain why it won’t will allow you to move on to promoting the reasons why they should hire you. Make sure to develop an answer for this question before it is asked. IT APPEARS YOU HAVEN’T WORKED IN THE LAST FIVE OR 10 YEARS. WHY? »  I’ve been busy going to school full time (specify how your schooling relates to the position). »  I’ve been raising two children and managing my home. Doing that on a daily basis gave me a lot of skills we generally don’t acknowledge, like leadership, time management, teaching, coordination, planning and so forth. »  I needed to address some health issues. It would not have been fair to an employer if I took too much time off from work. I’m now ready to return to work and give you 100%.

If you were out of work due to an incarceration, you need to be honest and be prepared to highlight transferable skills you earned during incarceration. If you have a criminal record, CareerForce can help you with specific career exploration and job search resources. Find out more at www.CareerForceMN.com/ JusticeInvolved Here are some points you can tailor to your own situation and use to respond to questions during a job interview to describe how you earned valuable skills during incarceration:

173 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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