2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


QUESTIONS TO ASK IN AN INTERVIEW »  Would you please describe an average day on this job?

»  Where does this company excel? What are its limitations? »  When and how will I be evaluated? What are the performance standards? »  Which team/division would I be working within? »  Who would be my supervisor? »  Who would I supervise? »  How would you describe the company culture here? »  What is the next step in the process?

»  What is the history of the position? Why is it currently available? »  What are the key challenges of this position? »  Do you anticipate the duties of this position will be expanded? »  How would you describe the ideal candidate? »  What are the priorities of this position in the first six months? »  What are some outside influences that affect this company’s growth?

175 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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