2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Usually, people don’t get hired due to a simple reality: for that job, the employer found someone more qualified for the position. Sometimes it is as simple as that. In many cases, the person who ended up getting the offer may have had a personal connection with that employer, such as someone who is being promoted within the company. While the previous examples are most common, here are a few other reasons people do not get hired: inability to express skills and information clearly, lack of interest and enthusiasm, lack of confidence, over-aggressiveness, too much focus on compensation, poor personal appearance, or lack of tact and courtesy. It is reasonable to seek feedback from the employer about why you did not land the job, particularly if you had advanced in the interview process. That information can help you hone your job interview skills for next time. As stated previously, don’t be offended if the employer is not able to provide you with that information, as that may not be permitted under their company policy.

179 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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