2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

Don’t have access to the internet or need reference materials? Then visit a CareerForce location near you, a public library, or a nearby public technical school, college or university. You will want to call first to find what materials are available and if there is public computer access. If you plan to visit a local public library, ask if a CareerForce Corner is located there and if so, what hours a CareerForce staff person is available there.

LABOR MARKET INFORMATION SOURCES »  Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic

Development , Research and Statistics Labor Market Information (Data for Job Seekers) mn.gov/deed/data/lmi-job-seekers »  CareerOneStop ( www.careeronestop.org ) CareerOneStop is a career, training, and job search website from the U.S. Department of Labor »  Bureau of Labor Statistics www.bls.gov »  Occupational Information Network (O*Net) www.onetonline.org


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