2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Every job search needs finishing touches, those often- overlooked actions likely to impress potential employers even if you don’t get the job this time around. They show an attention to detail, professionalism, and an appreciation for an employer’s time and consideration.


After spending a great deal of time preparing for an interview, make sure to finish strong by following this two-step approach that will take little time and yield benefits by leaving a good impression. CONTACTING REFERENCES Whether you believe your interview went well or not, you should contact your references to prepare them for a potential phone call or email from the employer. You might recap the interview briefly to each reference and highlight any points you made that they can verify, or emphasize, should they be asked by the interviewer for a testimony to your skills, experience and character.

181 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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