2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

For example, you might say something like this to a reference: “The company seemed really interested in the management skills I provided for the business development projects we worked on from 2015 to 2020. If asked, could you elaborate and stress the important role I played during that time? You may recall it was a small team that I volunteered to lead. It ended up being a very successful project that resulted in new processes being implemented.” If you brought up your strong communication skills during the interview, then have one of your references highlight that trait and point to a project in which your writing and speaking skills were utilized. If you showed up to work on time, always did what was required, and pitched in when needed, then a reference should also be able to verify those traits. The fact that someone agreed to be your reference means they want to say good things about your work. A quick follow up with them after an interview can help them help you!


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