2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

IF YOU ARE TURNED DOWN Upon receiving a phone call or letter of rejection, let interviewers know that although you’re disappointed you’re still interested in working for the employer (if that is truly the case). If you are only marginally interested in the company, be honest with yourself and decide whether or not this is an opportunity you still want to pursue. Either way, be sure to thank them for their consideration. Should you still have an interest in working for the employer, thank the interviewer for their time, emphasize your interest in additional opportunities and that you will be looking at other relevant job postings within their organization. Occasionally, the person selected ends up turning down the job or doesn’t work out. By handling the initial rejection in a professional manner, the employer may reconsider you for the position. Stay positive. Congratulate yourself. You did get the interview, which means the employer was interested in you. Learn from the experience. Ask for feedback from the interviewer on what you could improve or do differently. Keep trying. This isn’t the time to stop. Getting turned down happens to all of us at some point in our lives. Evaluate your performance and implement any new strategies, if needed, for your next opportunity.


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