2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


HANDLING SALARY DISCUSSIONS Let’s say your first interview with a prospective employer leads to further discussions. Congratulations, you are moving ahead in the process. Next you may face additional interviews and, inevitably, a conversation about compensation. Let the employer bring up salary first and try to avoid the issue entirely in the initial interview. Delaying salary negotiation as long as possible allows you to better understand what the position entails before the question of salary is addressed. It also gives you more time to describe what you’ll bring to the employer before an offer is made. The next step is salary negotiation. It can set the tone for your work life and experience with the employer. Negotiating is a two-way street, try to achieve a win-win situation. WHEN YOU ARE OFFERED THE JOB Should you get the job, look closely at the offer you are receiving. If the job is a good fit and the salary and benefits meet your expectations, you may be inclined to accept it. On the other hand, if you think the salary is too low or the benefits are not quite right, you can attempt to negotiate for a better offer. You may not get what you ask for, but they may meet you somewhere in the middle, which will be better than the initial offer. Many employers anticipate that some applicants will advocate for a stronger compensation package and purposefully give themselves room to negotiate.

185 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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