2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Today, many job seekers want good health care insurance more than any other benefit. Ask what policies are available to you and what the employee contribution levels are. If you want more vacation time or a more flexible schedule, keep that in mind as part of your decision-making process. Some employers take previous work history into account (often referred to as reciprocity), so you may be able to make a case for a higher starting accrual of your vacation. Negotiations should never become emotional or hostile. Use your skills, experience, and education to negotiate. Listen carefully. If the offer is less than you expected, let them know and state you’re still interested in the position if they want to reconsider their offer. Don’t assume the first offer is fixed even if the interviewer tells you it is. Try not to paint yourself into a corner by giving an ultimatum that you won’t work for less than a certain amount, as that can end up ending the negotiation process and might cost you the job.

If they aren’t currently able to adjust their offer, you could ask for a salary review to be scheduled after six months to evaluate your performance and determine if a salary increase is in order. If you end up turning down the offer, be sure to maintain the relationship, as you may be interviewing with that same company down the road. When you reach an agreement, request an offer in writing and study it to make sure it contains the agreed upon points.

187 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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