2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Once you’ve made the big transition from job searching to landing the job, your next goal is job success. There are specific skills you need to know and use to be successful at your new position. Start by checking with your supervisor to determine your most important tasks and on what attributes you will be assessed in reviews. Many employers say more people lose their job due to poor work habits rather than inability to do the work. The following suggestions are based on feedback offered by employers. EMPLOYER EXPECTATIONS A positive attitude is one of the most important factors in achieving job success. Don’t carry negative feelings into your new workplace. Deal with those emotions elsewhere.

Always be on time. How long will it take to get to work? Allow a few extra minutes for traffic problems and getting children to childcare. Reliability and dependability will help you gain trust and respect from your new employer and co-workers. Strive for good attendance. If you need to be out sick, ask your supervisor the proper method of notification.

Follow the Rules Know and follow all workplace rules, policies, and procedures. Read the employee manual. Listen and learn. Be open to new ways of doing things, even if you were taught differently in school or on a different job. Don’t be quick to find fault, criticize or complain until you can prove you can do something a better way.


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