2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Prior to starting the job, complete all your appointments with doctors, dentists and others. If this isn’t possible, make sure to make the employer aware of any scheduled absences before you accept the offer. Have an emergency plan for childcare and transportation.

Be willing to learn new skills. Any new job will require specific training and new processes to be understood, even if the work is similar.

Take time in making new friends. Find positive and upbeat coworkers. Avoid negative, critical and gossiping people.

Be clean and well-groomed. Wear clean and job-appropriate clothes. Pay attention to how your coworkers are dressed. Many employers have a no-scent policy, so be careful to avoid fragrances. Keep your personal life and problems at home. Don’t use the employer’s equipment and time for checking personal email, making personal phone calls, using the copy machine or printer for personal documents resolving your personal problems on the job. If you’re having trouble resolving personal problems, counseling, support groups or employee assistance programs may be useful.


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