2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Be patient with yourself and your employer. It takes time to become familiar with a new job and learn the ins and outs. It often takes a good six months before you understand and feel comfortable with every task, your team members, clients and responsibilities. If an opportunity presents itself, you should volunteer for projects and committees if your supervisor approves. These experiences will give you a chance to exercise talents that aren’t required in your current position and help you create a larger network of contacts within a company if your volunteer role is internal. In case of an external volunteer assignment, you will see the same advantages while building a professional network of contacts that could help you find a job in the future. Be careful not to overextend yourself if you are having trouble keeping up with the required work you are assigned. GETTING ALONG WITH OTHERS Always respect diversity in the workplace . Recognize that people with different backgrounds often come together to produce better outcomes. Try to accept criticism as constructive. Don’t become defensive or take it personally. Thank people for their input. Consider changing your behavior if it’s warranted. If you’re unsure how to handle a situation, check with your supervisor.

Always be professional to everyone and be willing to go the extra mile. This creates goodwill with leadership, coworkers and customers

Be a team player who is willing to help. Know the goals of your job and how your job fits into the overall organization. Avoid a know-it-all attitude. Try to fit in with the team.

191 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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