2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


In today’s world, a job search isn’t usually a one-time event in most people’s work life. The average person will change jobs more frequently than in the past. People used to believe once they had secured a job with good pay and benefits, they would stay 20 to 30 years until retirement, but this is rarely true anymore. This change is due to several factors, including a fluctuating economy, fast-paced technological advances and international competition. That’s why it’s so important to learn job search techniques and to consider them a highly valuable and evolving lifetime skill. Job search skills need to be constantly maintained and updated throughout your work life. Even when you are in a good situation, here are some things to consider.

»  Always maintain a current resume. »  Keep your options open. See what your job skills are worth in the job market. »  Get the training or experience you will need to take that next step.

»  Keep a list of awards, accomplishments, and

recognitions to present to your supervisor to back up a request for a raise or promotion.

Layoffs and downsizings often come unexpectedly. That’s why it’s important to remain updated and connected within your profession, even when times are good.


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