2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search



The following are examples you can use as templates in different hiring situations.

Your Name (Address/phone/email)

August 24, 20__

Mr. James Business Human Resource Manager ABC Company

111 Employment Way Anytown, MN 55555

Dear Mr. Business:

Our conversation on August 24 gave me a better understanding of ABC Company and the requirements of the administrative assistant position. The additional information provided by Max and Katherine helped me gain a more complete perspective of the company’s values and the job requirements. ABC clearly values employees who are positive and highly motivated, which are both qualities that I would bring to the job. As my resume demonstrates, I have strong office and interpersonal skills, proficiency with the software you use, and enjoy the customer service experience you require. I am certain I can make a significant contribution to your company based on my past success as a detail- and results-oriented professional. Meeting the office staff and touring the facility also reinforced my enthusiasm for this position. I would consider it a privilege to join your team and look forward to hearing your hiring decision. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss my potential for the administrative assistant position at your company. Please contact me if you have any additional questions.

Sincerely, Your Name (hand signed) Your Name (typed)

193 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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