2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


One way to think about skills is to consider yourself a product and employers as consumers. What skills are going to be of use in a particular job or company? What product attributes do you bring to the table? What problems can you solve for an employer?

Think hard about your career, life and interests and then examine the lists on the following pages to guide you in your skill-identifying process.

Take a good look at yourself. Consider your personality. Are you punctual, dependable, creative, independent, flexible and ambitious? Congratulations, you just identified six skills.

How about working in an office on a computer? That’s not just one skill, it’s many: keyboarding, data entry, writing, editing and meeting deadlines.

A computer programmer troubleshooting a network failure uses proofreading skills to find errors in computer codes. A cook uses cleaning and slicing skills to prepare vegetables.

To complete tasks during our daily lives, we balance checking accounts, manage budgets, shop and drive.

Those are all skills. »  Many skills learned through work and daily activities can be noted on resumes and during interviews. Not all skills are relevant for all positions but knowing what skills you have to offer allows you to determine what to market to specific employers.


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