2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Transferable Skills Many talents can be applied to a variety of activities. Many hard and soft skills are transferable from one type of position to another. If you can operate a drill press, you likely have skills to operate other types of machinery. If you can balance a personal bank account, you have some of the math skills required to balance a business account. If you coordinate events, lead meetings, participate on teams or get involved in community activities, you have several leadership qualities that could transfer to a job. Transferable skills are talents developed within your previous employment, volunteer work or hobbies. For job seekers who want to try a different career, transferable skills will play a large part on their resumes. This is because their work histories alone might not convince employers they can perform in a new environment. The transferable skills they describe on their resumes will have to offer a compelling argument for their consideration. That makes transferable skills important for many reasons. Many job seekers are unlikely to find a job identical to their previous employment; therefore, carefully evaluating how your skills transfer into other opportunities is critical. People seeking their first job, making a major career change, or returning to employment after a long absence will most likely use transferable skills in their job search.

ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES: Data entry, word processing, tactfulness, timeliness, responsible, creative, dependable, detail-oriented, sincere, meeting deadlines, communicating, helping others, problem solving, checking for accuracy, researching, writing clearly and concisely. CALL CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE: Listening, mediating, communicating, resolving conflict, developing rapport, assertiveness, dependable, outgoing, pleasant, sensitive, tolerant, detail-oriented, enthusiastic, friendly, kind, patient, sincere, tactful, understanding. YARD WORK/LAWN CARE: Physical endurance/ coordination, equipment maintenance, safety operations, chemical applications, goal setting. IDENTIFYING HARD & SOFT SKILLS USED IN DAILY ACTIVITIES

29 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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